Latest Video Clips

We try to regularly post some video clips of Christian animations and games on our site. Watch some of our recent videos...

News and Updates

Read some of the latest news about our Christian Animations, Games and other Christian media projects and resources!

January 2015 Update
It's been a long time since our last update and a lot of things have happened here. Work on new Christian animations for children has unfortunately stopped for a little while but quite a few other exciting opportunities have opened since.

10 Commandments of story writing
Since I’ve embarked my journey into film making and animation I’ve been fascinated by what makes a good story a good story.

More games by Scott Cawthon
Over the years Scott Cawthon has produced many amazing and inspiring Christian animations and games such as "The Pilgrim's Progress", "Noah's Ark" and "The Pilgrim's Progress Video Game" that are available on our website.

Evolution – a fairy tale for grown-ups?
It must have been very difficult to rationally defend the Christian world-view of creation during our parents and grandparents generation. Evolution was heralded as an establish fact that was not open for negotiation. During the last two decades however massive advances in science, philosophy and media have enabled Christians to make a strong scientific, rational and logical argument against Darwinian evolution.

Recent Comments

We love to get feedback and comments about our animations and videos.

  • From Mike on More games by Scott Cawthon:
    From making DVD movies and animations to making movies for the big screen, I'm glad how far Mr. Scott has come.
  • From Joshua Cowsert on Superbook DVD Club:
    Learning about God is always important and how he sent his son Jesus to die on the cross for our sins because he wants us to live for him.
  • From Grace on More games by Scott Cawthon:
    congrats on making it into theaters, scott!! loved the fnaf movie
  • From CoolCat5G on A Christmas Journey:
    I love fnaf
  • From Psalm91allthyways on Riveting Game With A Message:
    This review of this wonderful work is heartwarming. I just completed the game on normal mode and wow... a lot of thought, time and heart went into this beautiful piece of work. I used to be a "gamer" but have given up that lifestyle since becoming a
Hope Animation is a collaborative project of Christian animators, programmers and designers who want to spread the message and teachings of Jesus Christ and the Bible through the use of new media, digital arts, computer games and animation.

We work in partnership and try to finance this project and our productions through some of the sales on this website but currently still rely very much on our day-time jobs. Whilst we are aware that our work can by no means compare to mainstream media, the Disney Channel, Nickelodeon, Dreamworks, Pixar Animations and other Hollywood productions we hope that the message of the films let this digital media project stand out from the crowd and make an actual difference in people's lives.
A lot of our resources can be accessed free of charge but are always thankful for donations. We love to network, believe in the power of prayer, appreciate word of mouth support and are always happy to receive emails and letters with feedback about this project. If you do have your own website, please include a link to our site as this will help other people to find our films.

Our current artists include Scott Cawthon and Jesse McPeek from Texas, USA, Pelumi Igunnubole from London, UK and David Hutter from Ashford, UK. All of us actually still have full time jobs to support our families and pay our bills. As this ministry doesn't yet fund itself we have to rely on wise time-management to make the most of our spare time. Please let us know if you would like to get involved and can support us in any way possible! Many thanks and God bless!
Here's a short video that summarises the mission and vision of Hope Animation really well...

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© 2007-2025 Hope Animation